Monday 15 June 2020

Art of Rejuvenation

In the present day scenario, the socio economic atmosphere on the planet is such that everybody is running after money & manipulating life to build a big social image of self. We have no time to stand & stare. People are forgetting the pleasures of life. Mental tension is a natural consequence of it. 
It is estimated that nearly 43% of the American population-a society supposed to be the most advanced on this planet, is under care of psychiatrists because of anxiety and mental tensions.
Too much mental tension often leads to neglect of physical body.

I, as an orthopaedic surgeon often see a number of elderly people and even young men and women, particularly those working on computers for long hours every day. They have no time to relax. They suffer from mental tensions and physical weaknesses besides losing their other human values.

Problem is grave.

Solution is simple.

Solution:Just Learn & Practice Yoga.

Yoga is a divine gift to mankind which we have received as our cultural heritage.
Yoga helps us to improve our physical, mental, moral, spiritual & even metaphysical capabilities.

The Subject is vast.

It is impossible for any one person to know all the functionalities of yoga.

Yoga exercises are simple and time saving. They can be done in our own home, in our own bed and in our own home dress. We need no special dress or instrument, not even a pair of shoes. There is no risk of falling down & getting injured also.

Yoga exercises are isometric exercises done in synchronization with respiration. They do not cause any hypertrophy of muscles. Joints become more mobile & supple & the body becomes very elastic. Yogis have a very slim & trim body. I have never seen a fat yogi.

Gym exercises on the other hand cause hypertrophy of muscles, hence the gym exercisers have very muscular body. They at times look obese.

Here is my YouTube presentation 'Me and My Yoga' and 'Yoga Simplified'.

Some more exercises from
'7 minutes Yoga in office on chair'

All these exercises improve the functions & shape of all the joints of lower limbs & back.
They improve the gait also.

Pranayams are basically respiratory exercises. All of them improve the vital capacity of the lungs, thereby improving the oxygenation of the body. This ultimately leads to better health and improvement in the disease fighting capacity.
There are a number of pranayams for example:
1.Anulom Vilom
4.Shitili etc. 
Anulom Vilom is the most commonly done pranayam. It is almost like a general tonic. Other pranayams have some definite indications.
You can see demonstration of Anulom Vilom pranayam on my YouTube channel mentioned above.

In the present CORONA VIRUS era, Pranayams have special importance. Pranayams improve the respiratory functions significantly & hence the body immunity i.e. the capacity to fight the disease also improves. Regular pranayam doers are not likely to suffer from corona virus disease or if at all they get it, they will recover fast.

I would like to make a few special comments about the corona virus episode.

It is a natural calamity, inflicted upon mankind as a divine punishment. Prolonged rest in the form of quarantine & lock down has been forced upon us.
Do not get disheartened. Take it as a blessing in disguise. We can use this time to complete our pending jobs, explore hidden talents & develop hobbies.

Dhyan or Sadhna Yoga

This section of yoga deals with mental tension, personality distortions & behaviour disorders.

We need a healthy body to lodge a healthy mind. If our body is not healthy, we can't have a mind thinking in a healthy way.
Yoga teaches us how our mind can be controlled.

Dhyan or Sadhna Yoga technique is astonishingly simple & gives astonishingly wonderful results.

1.      Sit in cross leg position with back straight.
2.      Keep your hands in Gyan Mudra.
3.      Close your eyes very gently.
4.      Utter 'Om' with very inspiration.
5.      Utter 'Shivai' with every expiration.
6.      Do it for about 4 minutes.
7.      Utter 'Om' 5-7 times audibly slowly.
8.      Continue to sit in the same pose for 3-4 minutes. Focus your vision on tip of nose.
9.      Relax the whole body will fully.
10.  Let no thought enter your mind.
After due practice, you will enter in to a phase of 'ecstasy' -the eternal peace and pleasure.

This simple practice of Dhyan 5-7 minutes daily helps us to achieve mental peace & solace.
I would suggest to one & all to practice yoga for 25- 30 minutes daily.
God bless you.